Cheese| Types of Cheese| The process
Cheese is one of those amazing dairy products which is made from milk, salt, enzymes, and 'good ' bacteria. The natural cheese is then processed using different recipes to make all the types of cheeses that we love to eat.
The first step is the curd-forming stage where coagulation takes place. A protein named casein present in milk coagulates in the presence of rennet or bacteria.
The curd formed is then drained in the second step in which whey or lacto serum is removed. The amount of water retained determines the cheese's texture, the cheese is then shaped in a mold.
Salting of cheese takes place further step steps. This is done to ensure the long storage life of cheese and its drying process also speeds up.
The last step is most crucial in the whole process as Ripening of cheese takes place in this one. With the help of bacterial action, the inner area of cheese is transformed under different temperature and humidity conditions. These conditions determine different types of cheeses.
In this article, list of cheeses will be explained along with its country of origin, type of milk used in the making of cheese, aging, tasting notes, and its best uses.
Types of Cheese
There are various types of cheese such: Cheddar, Gouda, Mozzarella, Feta, Cotija, Roquefort, Chèvre, Camembert, Emmental, Parmigiano-Reggiano, Taleggio, Monterey Jack, Manchego
(1) Cheddar Cheese
• Cheddar cheese was originated first in Somerset, England.
• Cow's milk is used in making cheese.
• Good cheese is aged generally for one year.
• The color depends upon the season and feed of the cattle from ivory, straw to deep yellow color.
• In the process of cheese making the curd is cooked, milled, and then pressed into large blocks. These blocks are stacked on each other's top to get rid of the remaining moisture.
• The cheese is best used in Sandwiches, casseroles, grilled cheese, and many other items.
(2) Gouda Cheese
- The semi-hard to hard cheese is originated from the Netherlands.
- It takes at least 4 months to prepare but for better cheese one should wait for at least a year.
- Cow's milk is used for preparing these types of cheese.
- Due to concentrated Calcium Lactate crystals, amino acid tyrosine (i.e. formed when Cheese loses moisture), Long aged Gouda has a crunchy.
- These are used as grated over salads, casseroles or melted.
(3) Parmigiano-Reggiano Cheese
- True Parmigiano-Reggiano can only be produced in Italy (Emilia-Romagna and Lombardia)
- Even though hard cheeses are being sold in the market under the name of 'parmesan' but true cheese is only produced in its native place.
- It is aged minimum for almost a year and maximum for 3 years.
- Best used in a grated form on salads, salty ones for adding flavor to the soups.
(4) Emmental Cheese
- This Swiss cheese is Originated from Switzerland using cow milk whose cooked curd is pressed firmly for its preparation.
- The holes in this cheese are the result of carbon dioxide released during the consumption of lactic acid by Propionibacterium freuden reichii.
- It is best used in Fondue, casseroles, and grilled cheese.
(5) Feta Cheese
- The type of cheese comes from either Greece or Lesbos which is made up of around 70% sheep's milk.
- the curd is aged for 3 months.
- Soaked curds are pressed in Saltwater to attain that tangy and moist texture.
- The cheese is Crumbled in salads, Used in Cotija's place in Mexican dishes, Sandwiches, etc.
(6) Roquefort Cheese
- The blue mold pockets in this cheese are colonies of a mold naturally found in Roquefort, France named Penicillium Roquefort.
- Sheep's milk is processed with yeast to gain sharp sweet and nutty flavor for at least five months.
- It is eaten with nuts, fruits, or honey.
(7) Mozarella Cheese
- Originated in Campania, Italy Mozarella curd is heated in warm water and roll into balls.
- Cow or Water Buffalo milk is used in the production of Mozarella cheese.
- There's no aging period for these types of cheese.
- They are used Fresh with olive oil, Pizza, etc